Values & Mission statement
Declaration of principles for responsible corporate governance of
Iuvare Beteiligungs- und Serviceges. mbH
(hereinafter referred to as ‘Iuvare Academy’)
Version from 11/12/2024
The Iuvare Academy helps to place nurses from countries outside the EU in German healthcare facilities. In doing so, we want to support both the nurses and our clients, such as hospitals or nursing homes, fairly. Our aim is to give nursing staff a good start to a new working and living environment in Germany. These principles describe how we do this. They also apply to our partners abroad, and we regularly check whether they are being adhered to.
- Commitment to fair and ethical recruitment and placement practices
As an intermediary, Iuvare Academy undertakes to comply with the legal framework, in particular the requirements of German labour, residence and social security law. In its agreements with clients from the German healthcare sector, Iuvare Academy ensures that only employment contracts that meet the requirements of German labour law, including individual and collective labour law, are concluded with healthcare professionals.
In addition, Iuvare Academy is committed to good working conditions in accordance with German standards and strives for a future working environment that is free from discrimination. It is particularly important that nursing staff in Germany can lead a self-determined life characterised by freedom and the unrestricted exercise of their rights, including freedom of belief and association, as well as the protection of their personal rights.
For Iuvare Academy, fair recruitment also means that carers are not disproportionately burdened and do not find themselves in situations that force them to forego protection mechanisms and their rights.
The High Skilled Workers Directive adopted by the EU Parliament and the Council of the EU in autumn 2021 makes it clear that active recruitment policies should not be pursued in countries where there is a labour shortage, especially in areas such as healthcare. Recruiting skilled labour from such regions would lead to a ‘brain drain’ and is therefore considered unethical (see also recital 41 of the Directive).
Iuvare Academy undertakes not to recruit nurses from third countries where there is a shortage of healthcare staff in order not to exacerbate the situation on the ground.
Furthermore, Iuvare Academy will not support any placement that is detrimental to the rights and legal status of nurses. In order to ensure this, appropriate verification procedures will be introduced. These concern the cooperation with foreign cooperation partners, the behaviour and appearance of the clients towards the nursing staff and the careful selection of clients.
In addition, Iuvare Academy undertakes to provide the client with a written integration concept. This concept should be based on the requirements of the toolbox of the German Competence Centre for International Health and Care Professionals (DKF), which is available at the following link: DKF Toolbox.
- Voluntary commitment to comply with the WHO Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel
Iuvare Academy recognises its responsibility to implement the requirements of the WHO Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel and is expressly committed to its content. The following aspects are particularly important:
- The recruitment and placement of nurses is carried out in accordance with the principles of transparency and fairness, whereby the sustainability of the healthcare systems in the countries of origin of the professionals is promoted (in accordance with Section 3.5 of the WHO Code).
- Transparency is ensured towards the nurses, in particular with regard to contractual obligations that may result from existing employment relationships in their countries of origin (in accordance with Section 4.2 of the WHO Code).
- The principles and responsibilities of the Code are taken into account in all employment relationships, regardless of the duration of the respective employment relationship (in accordance with Section 4.7 of the WHO Code).
- There is no recruitment and placement of persons from countries that are on the WHO health workforce support and safeguards list.
- voluntary commitment to comply with international human rights standards
Iuvare Academy is committed to the rights and protection of carers. Our corporate principles are based on international agreements and guidelines that ensure the protection of the rights of carers in international placement.
These include, among others:
- the ILO Core Labour Standards;
- the ILO General principles and operational guidelines for fair recruitment and definition of recruitment fees and related costs;
- the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights;
- and international UN human rights conventions.
- voluntary commitment to limit the economic risk for care professionals
Iuvare Academy is committed to fair placement, in which carers from third countries are not unduly burdened financially. The placement is carried out at no financial cost to the carers, so that they do not have to give up their rights and legal positions due to a potentially difficult financial situation. Iuvare Academy guarantees through contractual agreements with the clients that only they will pay for the placement services.
- voluntary commitment to comply with the Employer Pays Principle
Iuvare Academy ensures that the ‘Employer Pays’ principle, to which the company is expressly committed, is implemented. This principle states that all fees, costs and other financial obligations in connection with the placement process – regardless of the type or when they are due – are not borne by the carer. Specifically, this means that no costs are incurred for the following services in particular:
- Organising and conducting job interviews;
- Applying for residence and work permits (including visas) and travel authorisations;
- Documentation services, such as notarisation and translations;
- Obtaining medical reports and background, reference and security checks;
- Transport and accommodation during the journey to Germany until the carer can move into their own home;
- Language and professional skills assessment and training or orientation before or after arrival.
Iuvare Academy will agree with the client that any binding clauses that provide for the reimbursement of costs for the migration or training and further education of the nursing staff are only permitted to an extent that complies with the principles of German labour law and the quality seal.
Iuvare Academy will implement appropriate review procedures and ensure that appropriate clauses are included in contracts with partners in third countries to ensure compliance with these requirements.
- overall responsibility
We bear overall responsibility for the entire process and therefore accompany the participants personally from enquiry to professional recognition. During this time, the Iuvare Academy is always at your disposal.
- language versions
Iuvare Academy provides these corporate principles not only in English, but also in German, French, Turkish and Arabic.
Mission statement of Iuvare PflegeCampus GmbH
Version from 2025/01/24
Iuvare PflegeCampus GmbH stands for demand- and customer-orientated educational measures and guarantees quality in education.
In order to be able to offer consistently good services irrespective of the persons carrying out the programmes, we are committed to adhering to the following principles.
The mission statement is communicated internally via notice boards and externally via the website.
Customer orientation
We consider all interested parties to be customers, including the participants, but also the commissioning companies who are interested in acquiring recognition as a carer in Germany or who want to improve the quality of care within their company, as well as the funding bodies. Due to the shortage of skilled nursing staff in Germany, there is both a macroeconomic and a political interest in recruiting skilled nursing staff for the German labour market. This project is also of interest to the Federal Employment Agency due to the recruitment and qualification of skilled workers.
In this context, within the framework of the existing procedures and processes, we check whether the demands and expectations that the customer places on us can be met with the available resources (equipment, media, lecturers). We endeavour to maintain and promote this by constantly observing the processes as part of internal audits and monitoring the daily completion of tasks that arise.
The objectives arising from this include a sustainable increase in customer satisfaction and the pass rate for the knowledge test at the end of the preparation course.
We employ qualified staff in management, teaching and administration, as well as qualified teachers. Continuous professional development is organised for our staff.
Educational programme
We provide potential participants with clear statements and information on all relevant matters. They receive personal coaching and advice from us to enable participant-orientated and appropriate development. Cooperation and teaching within the training rooms are individualised and geared towards the participants and the variety of methods. Qualified and individualised training measures ensure the success of the lessons.
Our advertising statements are truthful and serious. Our training programmes are transparent in terms of: Objectives, participation requirements, conditions of participation, duration, location, price, number of lessons, methods used, terms and conditions. When developing our training courses in accordance with SGB III, we take into account the situation and development of the labour market and support participants in gaining recognition and integration into the labour market.